Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beginning Again

When I started this blog I had every intention of keeping up with it. The feedback was positive and I was enjoying sharing a few thoughts with others in this format. Then I entered grad school and writing became a chore and nasty necessity and posting to this blog was the last thing on my mind. I graduated in May and got my license in August and now am entitled to add the expensive to obtain but apparently not too valuable designation of LMSW to my signature. At least this is the conclusion I've drawn from my unsuccessful search for jobs. The competition is plentiful while the funding of services is low. This discouraging state of affairs was overshadowed by the recent death of both my mother and sister four weeks apart. I'm still waiting for the numbness to wear off.

So, as an outgrowth of the problems and challenges, I've discovered new things to write about and a renewed desire to do so. Writing helps me to work out solutions and maybe I can share a thing or two that will be helpful to others experiencing similar challenges.


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